It is soooo fun being a soccer mom!! Josiah & Naomi are both on the same coed church soccer team. They play games twice a week and that serves as practice too. They played allot in Ethiopia -- though I'm not sure if on organized teams or just going for the gusto -- so are the stars of the team. We have four wins in as many games under our belts. Josiah will continue on a rec league this fall, but since the two are so competitive with each other and he is such a natural athlete (at all sports) I want Naomi to do something else. She is excited to start dance!
Hair continues to be a challenge. With all their swimming even if I had done nice braids they were fuzzy in a day. So Naomi has cute extensions for the summer. She loves them! I'm afraid she is going to be disappointed when they have to come out. I thought they would last 6-8 weeks, but her hair seems to be growing fast so it may not be far off. Josiah's hair was getting a bit unmanageable as well. He didn't like to brush it out so we took a clipper to it. At first we tried to cut it just part of the way down, but what a disaster. He said, "Josiah no go outside. Josiah no play." So off the rest of it went. He looks very cute and it it's already growing back.
I'm so loving being a mom. People are always saying what an adjustment it must be and how much work and what I must have given up. But it feels so natural and so right and I adore them and feel like they always been with me. Work? I suppose, but it doesn't seem overwhelming in the least and I feel like I've gained a life I've always missed. NO REGRETS!!!!!!!