Saturday, June 21, 2008

Road Trip

For Memorial Day weekend we went to Montana so the kids could meet Grandma - "mommies mom" in Montana. I tried to prepare them for the drive, telling them it was a long, long way ... a "big go" as they say. It was great having my little GPS, because whenever they would ask how far we would just reply in miles. That was much more satisfying to them than "it's still a long ways." My typical 8-1/4 hour trip took 9-1/2 hours on the way up and 9 hours on the way back (guess we learned a bit). We took a portable DVD player thinking it would be a lifesaver for the long ride, but it made them both carsick. So much for techno-travel! But we had a good time and they loved Grandma. They were a big hit at the retirement home as well. Everyone thought they were so well behaved. Wish they'd act like that for Mama! At church my mom likes to sit further back as her mobility is diminished, but the kids like to sit up front -- they LOVE Jesus! So we sat 4 rows from the back and the kids 3 rows from the front. Again I got rave reviews for their behavior. Sigh!

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