Well, my computer had been running increasingly slower and slower and finally died completely on 12/29/07 - just after my last post. I'm not sure if the hard drive gave out or if it was victim to some virulent virus (my virus scanning software said "0 viruses" but I'm not sure I believe it). After growing frustration with my PC the last year or two, I made the switch to a Mac and am still working on learning its unique nuances. I was hoping to simplify my life a bit and resolve this area of frustration prior to my new venture in motherhood, but alas, it is yet to be resolved. And with the switch some of my diligent backing up of files may have been for naught as not all are compatible with the new Mac. Perhaps someone is trying to tell me to let go of some of my computer obsession, so I'll have more time for these precious children!!
I'm still waiting for an update on the twins. They were to have been moved from the foster home in Soddo to the CWA care center in Addis Ababa around 1/3/08, but to my knowledge that hasn't happened. Once there, they will get another medical exam and then the court date can be scheduled. Nonetheless, I am still estimating traveling to get them sometime in March. Time is moving so fast and so slow both at the same time!
Luscious Locks
13 years ago
1 comment:
Nancy, I am still following along with your story. I can't wait until you get the kids home.
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