Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's official!!! Meet my new children ...

Update 3/6/08: This post was temporarily suspended pending court approval in compliance with Ethiopian law and adoption agency policies. See Faux Pas dated 1/23/08.

I've been bitting my tongue and sitting on my hands to resist posting until things were definite. After receiving their sweet photos, I just wanted to say "yes! yes! yes!," but my practical side made me wait until I received the actual referral paperwork. There is a slight medical issue, but I was able to speak with our local International Adoption Clinic doctor (I am so blessed to have that resource nearby) and most importantly to lift it up in prayer. God is so awesome and has given me a real peace about everything. Praise the Lord!!! So ..... I've officially accepted the referral for my beautiful twins, Naol & Firaol Sintayehu. They are amazing and I love and adore them already. I can hardly wait to bring them home!

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