Friday, November 30, 2007

It's a small world

A few weekends ago I went to a Ethiopian Older Child Adoption Training put on by Kingdom Kids Ministries in Spokane, Washington. It was wonderful and informative and I would highly recommend it. Part of the program consisted of other adoptive parents (mostly the moms) coming in to speak to us about their experiences. What a blessing to have that first hand knowledge!

About a week after my return I was talking to one of the women from my church who said she had a friend in Washington (I thought she said Seattle) who had adopted 10 children, loves Jesus, and would be a great resource for me. So I got the email address and sent a note. We shared a bit of information and one of the things I mentioned was my trip to Spokane and how helpful I had found it. She wrote back in amazement! She had been one of the speakers!! Once we knew each other was there, we both knew exactly who the other was. What a small world! Or as I prefer to say ... isn't God amazing!!!! What an encouragement!

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