Saturday, November 17, 2007

Josiah & Naomi

Update 3/6/08: This post was temporarily suspended pending court approval in compliance with Ethiopian law and adoption agency policies. See Faux Pas dated 1/23/08.

There is a lot of discussion in the international adoption circles about keeping the child's given name versus giving them an "American" name. I love names and name meanings and have given this much thought. In the Bible (my go-to guide for life) name changes represent a change in character, relationship or covenant with God, a new position, or an introduction to a new life and new purpose. Wow! That last one hits the mark! So my children will have new names and will also keep their Ethiopian given names. In addition, since I am single and my current last name is from a marriage I am no longer in - though I am good friends with my ex and really like my last name - I will legally change
my last name to my children's last name!

So we will all be
Sintayehu, which is pronounced Sin-TIE-u and is Amharic (the national language of Ethiopia) in origin. The literal meaning is “how much have I seen” or “I have seen a lot in my life.” It is a poetic and beautiful name; a kind of expressive name that leaves new mothers wondering when they see their newborn baby.

(See follow-up Thinking about names posted on 1/14/08)

When the blessing of adoption was first laid upon my heart, my son's name was revealed as Josiah. I love his Biblical story found in 2 Kings 22 & 23 (and also in 1 Chronicles 34 & 35) --
"He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and walked in all the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left." When the lost Book of the Law that had been given to Moses was rediscovered, King Josiah instructed his people to obey the commandments and brought the people of Judah back to God. At the time I had never heard of anyone having that name and now I meet Josiah's every time I turn around!

So my new son is
Josiah John Naol.

Josiah is pronounced jo-SYE-ah, and is Hebrew for "God Will Save, Jehovah Helps, The Lord Saves." He was the 16th king of Judah at age eight after his father was assassinated, and Josiah ruled well for 31 years. My middle name is Jo, so he is also named after me in a loose kind of way. The name Josiah was rated #117 on the 2006 SSA List (Social Security Administration list ranking the popularity of names in the U.S.)

His second name John, is in honor of my dear friend, John W. May who is entwined in my heart and soul, and whom I will love forever and always. The origin is Hebrew and the meaning is "God Is Gracious." Biblically, it is the name of the longest-lived of the 12 apostles, who was especially loved by Christ, as well as the name of John the Baptist, who baptized Christ in the Jordan river. The name John was #20 on the 2006 SSA List.

Naol is pronounced Nah-ol, and is the Ethiopian form of the Biblical name Noah. The origin of Noah is Hebrew, meaning "Peaceful, Rest, Long-lived, Comforter, Wanderer." And of course in the Bible, Noah was the patriarch survivor of the Great Flood who drifted in the ark for 40 days. All the world's nations are descended from Noah's three sons - Ham, Shem and Japheth.

My new daughter is
Naomi Grace Firaol.

I picked Naomi just because I love the sound of it! It is pronounced nay-OH-mee, and is of Hebrew origin, meaning "Beautiful, Gentle, Pleasant, Delightful." Naomi was an ancestress of Jesus and mother-in-law to Ruth. The name came into English-speaking use in the 18th century and it was #129 on the 2006 SSA List

My name, Nancy is Hebrew for "Grace," so my daughter gets her second name from me. The name Grace is of Latin origin meaning "Grace of God, Favor, Blessings, Good Will." While not a name used as such in the Bible, it is a virtue name referring to God's grace. Grace was #17 on the 2006 SSA List.

Firaol is pronounced Frah-ol (the "r" is rolled like in Spanish). The origin is Orominya -- Oromo is the ethnic group in Ethiopia that my children belong to. The literal meaning is "to make nice for friends and family." It is a lovely name to have.

Peace and Blessings ...
Your family In Christ


Jennifer said...

Nancy -

CONGRATULAITONS! What beautiful children! Thanks for posting! I've been waiting and waiting to hear what's been in process since I read your entry back in October.

I too am a single adopting from Ethiopia. I received my daughter's referral October 9 and if all goes well, should be holding her December 24!

Do you have a court date/travel time yet? Keep writing - I love reading!

Ella Hewan's Mommy

VALARIE said...

Nancy, I noticed that your children were FINALLY removed from the waiting children's list. I am so EXCITED for you. I love seeing them show up on your page. You have to be thrilled. I'll have to keep reading to see how things go.
